Go to AirsoftStore.ca
They have a good selection of EOTechs, T-1's, and MilDot Scopes that are all shock proof - the guys at AirsoftStore have done rigorous testing on all of their products. If you are looking for a fantastic optic, get the UTG/Leapers 1-4x scope. I used it for awhile and it's easily the best scope I have used to date. It has FIVE INCHES OF EYE RELIEF! The 1x setting is actually 1x, not 1.25x-1.50x fish bowl bullshit like most reproduction scopes. This is real steel rated, so you are set for shock proofing.
Guardians of Asgaard
Last edited by Zack The Ripper; September 15th, 2014 at 19:39..