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Old September 4th, 2014, 15:04   #7
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Get a M4 10.5" > - Lots of people have them, you can share mags and what not. A lot of parts available aswell.

Everyone I know that has a KA P90 has had their selector blow up, thus resulting in permanent full auto all the time! Un-educated on this subject, but could be an easy fix?

Boots are a necessity, pick up a decent used pair at the surplus, I got mine from Army Issue, water proof for $55 tax in.

If you get a Revision Desert Locust use "FANS" for 30% off. Coupons float around on google.

Knee pads are a must too, I us Arc'teryx ones. Can't go cheap on your knee's or eyes, Surgery would be more expensive .

Good luck.
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