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Old August 10th, 2014, 12:52   #2
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Originally Posted by kar120c View Post
I have mounted a 14mm cc Suppressor on my M14 Socom. removing the flashhider the barrel is threaded so apparently no adapter is necessary.
But to do a good job I found that the front sight (without the flashhider) stay a bit loosened and the piece of barrel between suppressor and sight is ugly to see.
So, I ask is is better to use an of the same dimension of the flash hider to screw the suppressor or something other to fill the space between suppressor and front sight.
Any suggestion?
Interesting - thanks for the tip, that the flash-hider on the TM Socom16 is removable. I can't honestly say that i have tried removing the one on my Cyma clone - I will attempt to do that soon (For the Cyma, I was under the impression that the flash-hider was simply a cap, held in place with a grub screw - no threading), as i've got a regular length M14 inner barrel, and assorted other inner and outer parts (including a spare suppressor) to tart it up further than it already is, as a wall-hanger.

If it leaves a gap, which results in play in the sight block - I would suggest fabricating a spacer.. either using ready made (i've got a tonne of those, in my spare parts box in the garage, taken from various motorcycle parts) or fashioning one from a piece of pipe with appropriate ID/OD dimensions.. a machine shop, or metal supplier should be able to supply the appropriate tubing required for such a small part, at minimal or no cost.

Edit: boo. Mine is a slide-on, no threading version. Will look into whether i can chop down a regular M14 barrel to fit... been a while since i've looked at the couple i have in parts.

Last edited by HackD; August 10th, 2014 at 13:47..
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