Thread: AKstravaganza!
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Old August 2nd, 2014, 20:33   #787
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Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Somewhere between Hamilton Ontario, and Hell..
My LCT AK AKMSU also appears to have the FSA integrally cast with the threading for the flash-hider assembly. It also has the tiny grub-screw on the forward portion of the 24mm (?) flash-hider threading - loosening it, has no apparent effect.

There is a spring-loaded pin/spring assembly that is entrapped by the 24mm(?) flash-hider threading. It is kept in place by a roll-pin at the base of the FSA.

I was actually going to attempt to remove this 24mm(?) threading in the hopes of finding 14mm +/- threading beneath, in order to test fit a G&G tracer unit onto the AKMSU this morning, before seeing this thread inquiry.

I suspect that this FSA, is the same as the one used on the LCT 74U. I have a Hephaestus fore-end on mine, that was meant to fit on either a GHK 74U or AKMSU, both being based upon the LCT body.

The G&G tracer unit fits fine on my LCT AK74. The flash-hider pin assembly is not entrapped on the AK74, and is removeable.

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