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Old July 16th, 2014, 00:18   #587
mcguyver's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Northern Alberta
If you run an 11.1 battery, you will increase the cycle rate. This is fine, as long as the mags can keep up. It is a known issue to chop BBs in the M-series when running full-auto and M90-M110 with heavyweight BBs. Chopping in the M-series can damage the hopup and cylinder if unattended by cleaning debris or repeated further chopping, but not the sector gear typically.

This can have the unintended consequence of also jamming the hopup in the M-series, just like what happens in the TW5. Once this occurs, then damage can result.

If you have to run a lower cylinder like M90-M110, then stick to semi. Your odds of chopping and jamming is reduced 99% right there. Pick a quality BB that feeds well. Weed out any mags that fail to feed well and discontinue using them until you rectify the feeding issue.

There are a few TW5's in Canada, I personally know of about 5 of them, and there are most certainly more than that.
Age verifier Northern Alberta

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