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Old July 14th, 2014, 09:46   #34
Bellerophon's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2012
Location: Guelph, On
Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
Only thing that would make bbs better is being hollow and having all theit weight perfectly distributed around the shell. Makes it more stable in flight.
How so, exactly? Ignoring the difficulty of manufacturing hollow BBs with perfectly uniform interiors, these are some issues I could think of off the top of my head:
1. With a uniform spherical shell, the moment of inertia (essentially, the resistance to changes in angular velocity for a given torque) is higher for a given mass, and since the Magnus force (ie what makes hop ups work) is proportional to angular velocity, your hop up would have to push harder to apply the same spin
2. Since we're still talking about ~6mm plastic spheres, the exterior is still the same so clearly there can't be much difference in the aerodynamic porperties

So basically you'd have a lighter BB that requires as much hop-force as a heavier one. I'd still love to see someone test that idea, there is probably something I've missed.
If I were to guess at ways of improving a BB, I'd say the opposite setup, a high density core with plastic exterior, as it would have nearly the same moment of inertia for a higher mass.
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