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Old June 16th, 2014, 14:17   #7
Bearer of the blood Hand
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Location: Deauville, Quebec
Originally Posted by Reaver_RRTS View Post
Gunna be sick to hear those NERF rockets whistling over head. The ONLY concern is the delivery from above system can cause some concern for direct impacts on players. NERF rocket or not, I'm not sure how much force one of those things would carry if someone took one to the noggin.
That is a valid point - I will attache a 2m long orange band on the tail fin - to slow down velocity and make it also very visual for retrival.

But the arch is high and we are shooting it over the woods - so a lot of deflection ( trees - brenches ) which will interfear with the decend trajectory.. and final impact....

for long range this will do ( as we can see 300 to 400 feet in high arch and the whistle audible.....

We also can determine exit velocity by how deep we put the Nerf in the Barrel.... - like the first video - just beeing pushed an inch - and she flies still 150 to 200 feet but with much less velocity and range...

but here is also another added safety to it. ( I am thankfull for all them hints and triggers )

At the briefing will this be clearly stated - that we have mortars for long range ( Nerf or similar ) fire.
you will hear a loud bang followed by the whistling of the incoming projectile... duc and cover the head with arms ( at this point I will have a show case trooper performing the action infront of the audience. )

the BB`s themself rain only down with its natural free fall velocity according to their weight - it tried it yesterday... totaly harmles but covers a good big patch - this is used for short range camp defense.... high arch - low range but good shrappnel coverage - like a tempered grenade would do - exploding in flight over ground... for maximum infantry effect.

keep them thoughts coming - this is very good points guys.

thanks a lot for the help

Last edited by THE BOSS; June 16th, 2014 at 14:28..
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