I'm sorry man bit you will not change my mind on that. Milsim simulates operations, objectives, communications, etc... Airsoft as is limitation but also does the fields. I've been in incredible games where people crashed down from a chopper in the scenario had to survive with only their pistol and it was a blast.
Again, if the guy can't it shit with is gun it's probably because he's not willing to pay for upgrades... Imagine paying for 60$+ each mag lol
I already said that GBBR are to me great OTB platforms but seriously it's everyone who are willing to pay 600$ for magazines.
Anyway, I simply wanted to point that it's not the gun that makes the game a milsim but the player. Following orders, teams drills, comms... This is milsim! Shooting a guy because you can hit it far away but only sit on your ass to make kills is not.

Fier membre de la Légion!