So, I've owned a couple guns getting into this hobby/sport - first was a WE416 which I had to sell for school, but after I owned a Classic Army HK33 AEG which I also sold because I just didn't like the aeg side of the fence.
Missing the feel of the recoil and limited capacity mags, I decided - with inspiration from reading, researching and talking to
Turok-T - to build my own WE M4/MK18/Personal rifle.
I'm not looking for any realism, with the 10.3" barrel and the Daniel Defense markings up the body, just a rifle I can say I personally built, and fielded at Nightfall. So here it is!
CrAzy AziAn's MK18-ish Build
Out with the Old
It started out as a used rifle I got off
Deltastone. Was a closed bolt, came with an RA-Tech Trigger, NPAS, DD Mk18 9" rail, and the history and dings he's put into the gun.
I ended up selling the rail because it was missing some hardware and was scratched to hell... from regular use. I wanted to ultimately repaint it and put my own wear and tear on it.
I swapped the crane stock it came with, with my trusty ACM Magpul UBR stock, that was purchased and used on the 416. In my opinion, hands down, best looking stock ever. Tossed in the old stack of 5/16" washers to act as the spacer for the buffer tube. Previously learned that the bolt gets stuck in the back if there isn't spacers in the tube.
Order Up
I liked the look of the MK18 RISII rails, but not a fan of the super compact CQB sized 9", so I got a Madbull 12.5".
The sights of choice were Madbull DD irons - as a student you don't get the income to afford real steel parts.
For refinish I got a kit of Duracoat "matte black" and plan on painting it after Nightfall when I can rip it apart and finish her up. (Body, 2 uppers)
I'm used to running open bolt kits in my gbbrs, so swapped the closed bolt, and found a used M4A1 upper from a fellow member, which will be the swap for the CQB outer barrel. Daniel Defense low profile gas block mounted - of course!
friarsn for the last minute barrel and spare upper receiver! The new barrel threads were able to screw on the Dragon Muzzle break. I guess the old 10.3" was stripped. (Noted to fix in Stage 2)
Gas block lined up and assembled to the barrel. The Madbull delta ring doesn't have an opening where the upper reciever gas block hole is. I cut the gas tube shorter to fit butt end to the delta ring. The gas block is not lined up perfectly to where the M4 triangle sight was. (Gas tube needs to be cut shorter)
And finally. Stage 1: Nightfall is complete! - Stay tuned for Stage 2: Dawnbreaker
The muzzle break is a Dytac Costa Dragon that happened to appear in my order.

(Thank you
Jugglez! - Too kind)
Technical Difficulties
RA-Tech trigger - It was latching onto the trigger and not resetting after every shot. Turok told me it was a common problem. Will be switching out for a CWI trigger mech, but for now the stock Open bolt kit set works.
Madbull Barrel nut - There is a wobble with the rails and nut. I added O-Ring washers I got out of the plumbing department at Lowes. I put one behind the delta ring and barrel nut and seem to keep everything tight without wobble.
Hopup chamber/Inner barrel - There was a slight slight wobble with the barrel in the hopup chamber. I teflon taped the inside while I changed the hopup to a Maple Leaf.
Parts List
WE Open Bolt M4A1 kit
WE Open bolt PMags (propane)
Madbull MK18 RIS 12.5" rails
Madbull Daniel Defense MK18 iron sights
Madbull Daniel Defense sling rail adapter
King Arms gas tube
Maple Leaf 75 degree hopup rubber
Madbull Daniel Defense low profile gas block
ACM Magpul UBR stock
Magpul MS3 sling
Magpul Angled foregrip (knockoff)
Magpul PTS MOE pistol grip
Dytac Costa Dragon Muzzle break
Any questions, concerns, and/or comments or criticism is always welcome!
Will update project as I get it ready for Nightfall