Originally Posted by lurkingknight
integrated kneepads might not work out for you, it's one of those one size fits all in terms of proportions. If you find a pair of knee pads that work really well, you can roll with them and invest the money elsewhere.
Says the man that clearly has never owned a pair of quality pants with integrated knee pads lol
ur-tactical.com - integrated battle pants 3D
-pants come in american sizes (means small to OMG WHY DO THEY MAKE WHALE PANTS)
-pads have velcro straps on each side to adjust tension or proximity to your knee, or the side to side shift (I let mind droop in place, they always find their place when I kneel down)
-pads are adjustable in HEIGHT, there's a strap inside that allows you to raise the height of the knee pad to center perfectly over your knee
-Don't have to put knee pads on
-Don't have to wear knee pads around your ankles
-Don't cut off blood flow to your feet
-Don't make the strap lines itchy with ridiculous amounts of sweat
-they're also incredibly comfortable
Only downside is they don't come in every camo of the rainbow, but they come in most of the new ones.