Thread: New'ish Sniper
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Old April 13th, 2014, 01:20   #1
Join Date: Apr 2014
New'ish Sniper

Hey there!

So I've been up to my knees in research what with an increasing interest in sniping (say what you want). I was hoping to get some professional experienced advice out of this thread.

So, I've been doing this for a good couple of years now and I decided that I would get into sniping/recon work. Because I did not have a lot of money to drop on a fairly decent rifle I picked myself up a MOD24. 400FPS out-of-box with a Polymer Stock Metal Barrel With Receiver, Adjustable Butt Plate With Rubber pad, Full Metal Bolt System and all that stuff.

(looks like this):

Actual picture could be acquired if necessary

I was looking to find advice on what and how to upgrade the gun as I heard almost every sniper gets upgraded past stock.

I am also looking for gear as well as I am currently using woodland multicam BDU

I usually play in woodland territory but the places I play at are tan on green so I am also looking to see if there is some sort of gun pattern and gear pattern that can blend with woodland while still giving a tan presence.

I am not so big on the idea of spraying the gun but if that's what benefits myself as a sniper outdoors I am willing to consider. Also, because I see myself as patient sniper sitting back and all I am considering a ghillie suit if not a ghillie jacket + hood.

P.S. I hope to purchase a sniper in later years, I would be looking for a rig that is higher quality, lighter weight, and durable internals, so by all means, please give me some ideas as to what is good to look into.

Let me know what you think about the gun.

Thanks in advance for all the friendly help.
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