A little issue I have with RS glocks is the lack of a manual safety. OK, I know the airsoft TM glocks have manual safety where the serial number plates are.
What do you guys think of RS glocks and the fact there are no external safety switch/mechanism like the 1911s do with the thumb switch?
I get that a lot of glock fans will go on the defensive about firing pin safety etc etc - and how no fingers on trigger, no.1 safety is between the ears, etc etc.
But manual safety is important. Every truly safe gun should have a safety mechanism that absolutely mechanically prevents the firing pin or hammer from striking the bullet and getting a round off. The ARs have safety switches (granted they don't have trigger safety). I don't see guys complaining how spec-ops operators are noobs because they put their m4s/416 on safety also. Yeah, I know for RS glocks you can get aftermarket external safety switches put on, but its something the manufacturer should have designed in as standard.
Last edited by zzzzsleepy8; March 27th, 2014 at 09:24..