Thread: Glock Thread!
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Old February 27th, 2014, 22:46   #528
R.T. Corpsman
formerly UJO Spec Ops
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Join Date: May 2012
Location: Southern Ontario
Nothing special. Just my WE G17 with LASER ENGRAVINGS!
They just got finished today so I'm pretty happy.

RT07 is my "armory number" for our team. We each have a unique one.

My favourite phrase right now, being the combat medic and all.

The medical cross with the wings and bird feet is actually the logo for my school's Nursing Student Society. It's pretty PJ if I must say so myself.
And yes, I am in Nursing, so I'm not ripping off of them to look cool. Yes, I am a dude, and yes it is the manliest job I can think of; thanks for asking.

I painted the Glock trades on the other side but there's nothing really special about that.
"These things I do, that others may live."
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