i own two smiths products and have been rather disappointed personally. i should also point I've only used smith's as airsoft/shooting glasses.
i have boogie's and aegis echo's and have any nothing but fogging issues since i bought them a year + ago I've tired every tick in the book and have since removed my boogies and will replace with tubro fans of some brand (still researching) and my aegis echos to my real steal indoor range bag (better seal with my ear pro).
On the rather hand my Oakley (as a side bar oakley owns ESS) flakjackts i bought nearly 7 years ago have had the rare issue with fogging, maybe 5-6 times and that's more because it was humid and i tend to perspire rather quickly and i was standing still, the three compounding themselves i could probably fog turbo fans. i also used them for airsoft/shooting/everyday. but i'm a sample of one so please take that into account.