Thread: BB storage
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Old February 3rd, 2014, 08:58   #5
A Total Bastard
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Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Tottenham, Ontario
Good idea, the only downfall would be the large spout. Seems a bit big and you may loose a few when pouring into your mags or speedloader, I use a bottle like the wallmart and old CT bb's came in. Spout is narrow and longer, and fits in the mag loader perfectly. The bottom of it rotted out years ago so I duct taped half a pepsi can to the bottom, made it large enough to hold 2000 count perfectly.
This is only for in my kit though, when I take extra bb's into the field, I fold over 1000 in a Bastard bag into a pouch so that they make no noise, and usually my mag size speed loader filled to the top and stuffed with a small rag to muffle those as well.
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