Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker
Originally Posted by ArmedPacifist
It's shit, should be booted off the Sci-Fi lineup.
At least they use airsoft guns! :tup:
I like the show a fair bit, the movie rocked, but doing StarGate themed games is lame. What next, Star Gate themed games and have the other team dress as Borg? Hey, might be damn cool for a Hallowe'en game, but otherwise............
If one considers themselves "Mil-Sim" and considers hosting a game like this, they become "Sci-Fi Sim". Sorry, but the two have a hard time meshing. I myself, prefer 'WarSim', but that's a touchy area there unto itself in the world of airsoft because of the attempt at realism.
In the end, StarGate is pretty damn cool!!!!! But airsoft games based on it.............. I'll pass thanks.
See I HATE! milsim and anything close to it I just want to have fun and screw around basically possibly recreating fun shit from movies video games etc.
Theres a reason i never joined the army i could never take orders I dropped out of my first cadets class when i was a kid said fuck that and never looked back

so i dont need someone bitchin at me to do something when all i want to do is screw around :mrgreen: