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Old December 16th, 2013, 14:26   #1
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Custom Kydex holster's

Hey guys, so i am in need of a kydex holster, and i would love to get a custom one done for me, now the only thing i remember ( well at least i think i remember ) seeing in someones signature that they do custom kydex just PM them. Well i never it was something i was going to do eventually, and now i forgot his name and can't find it anywhere.

Another thing i was thinking about Safariland 6004 tactical holster's but my only question/concern is will they fit the lights i use. So i have 2 guns i would like done, TM 1911 w/x300 and a TM G17 w/ TLR-1 so my question will a Safariland fit those with guns/lights.

So if anyone knows or can point me in the right direction for getting a holster i would GREATLY appreciate it, or if anyone has any other suggestions on a good holster i am all ears!

mostly just looking for something high speed low drag of course who isn't now a days, but in all seriousness i was thinking about a Gcode MULE drop leg or something similar! Thanks a lot!
VFC SR15, VFC MK18 MOD1, LCT ALPHA AK, G&P Stoner 63, CA SLR105, G&G SR25, Echo1 XCR (00741), CA M249, TM G17 & TM SAI G17, TM 1911 NW, TM P226
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