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Old December 13th, 2013, 22:06   #134
targetGspot's Avatar
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Manitoba
Anybody playing in manitoba/winnipeg that would like to try a more "relaxed" airsoft game (we just play whatever king of game we feel like when we get there. if someone has a good idea we try it) feel free to message me and I'll give you more details. We play out in the bush on my friends property all summer/fall(spring if it's dry enough). no fps limits (we simply respect an unwritten engagement distance on anything high powered) our rules are simple, eye protection(most wear full face) and count your hits. I you don't wear eye protection you can't play, and if you don't count hits you won't be asked out again (after taking a barrage of pellets as we will assume you are a real life zombie that we need to eradicate. lol).
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