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Old November 23rd, 2021, 20:20   #10
Canadian Psycho
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Originally Posted by Drakker View Post
I respectfully disagree, while I've never owned any, I've used them, and 10+ years ago, yeah, they were the best, but getting them to be as accurate and reliable as today's AEGs is a lot of work. The only thing they really have going for them is that they stop firing when the mag is empty, but again, AEGs are slowly catching up, and now guns like the ASG Scorpion EVO have that feature for about a quarter off the price of a PTW, and magazines are 1/3rd the price of Systemas... Today we have GBB rifles, which are a lot more realistic, and still cheaper than PTWs. PTWs have lost all their advantages over time, and unless Systema pulls a new magical unicorn out of their hat, I don't see them being relevant in the future.
Im curious where you are seeing current AEG's as significantly more reliable than dubs, once the motor issue is sorted they basically run decades. Even today most guys on the field i've talked with are all constantly modding, tweaking and maintaining their AEGs to keep reasonable performance.
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