So some have asked why is airsoft lumped into this bill, it is simple, for the same reason the Mossberg 715T was lumped into the OIC.
So this is the Mossberg 715T:
The rifle consists of nothing more than a dollar store plastic shell placed over a normal Mossberg Plinkster (which is not restricted nor effected by the OIC).
Mossberg 702 Plinkster:
Here is inside the 715T:
In the early days of the manufacturing of the 715T, Mossberg literally took a 702 plinkster receiver and barrel and put them into the shell. You could open up your 715T and marked on the barrel and receiver inside it was stamped 702 Plinkster. It was until the last couple years that Mossberg started stamping them 715T on the receivers.
So you want to know why airsoft is lumped in? Same reason as the 715T, it LOOKS LIKE AN AR. They want an easy identification that police can see an AR and instantly know it's illegal and seize and arrest. No wondering if this is one of the non-restricted models or if it's airsoft. That is it. But they can't just prohibited one model of airsoft gun, that would be annoying and open up too much for legal battles. Much easier to just ban them all.