Originally Posted by venture
IF this passes then airsoft will be like it was in the early 2000's. Underground. Airsoft items will be smuggled into the country and a black market will develope with buyers simply stating that they owned a particular item before the ban. Airsoft will thrive, but will probably shrink again.
Difference is back in the day we were not at risk to have our property seized when we played at a legit field. My guess is, if a person gets busted at a field/their home and police take all their airsoft they will probably make a note of some kind so if that same person will be found in possession of airsoft again than it might not end up in just a seizure. Things were not prohibited, one without proper license just couldn't import it. AFAIK there is another big difference. Back in the day customs would just take the stuff and destroy it, C-21 will allow criminal charges to be brought up if person found to be illegally importing/buying/selling/loaning airsoft.