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Old February 16th, 2021, 19:09   #12
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Originally Posted by Drakker View Post
Right now we use the fact that downgraded airsoft guns are still legal because they have the potential to fire over 366fps. Well, a lot of guns have the potential to fire over 500fps too. This looks like a gigantic problem in their wording to me.
This is my concern too.

Originally Posted by TK-604 View Post
What I'm trying to figure out is do they mean a replica that shoots over 500fps or replicating something that shoots over 500fps. Cause all real firearms shoot over 500.

My opinion on the wording you mention is, they say "shoots over" not "can shoot over". For example, I can make a standard Honda Civic with over 600hp, but how long after startup will it even function. So it "can", but doesn't and shouldn't.
I hope this is the case and we can still have, import and enjoy our hobby so long as we stay below the 500fps limit.
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