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Old June 17th, 2020, 14:00   #1
Join Date: Feb 2019
Location: Waterloo, Ontario
List of med/high quality clothing manufactures

Please feel free to add on, but I'm trying to make a list of good quality clothing manufacturers. (Edit *any clothing brand is now A OK as long as it practical and usable for airsoft/real steel)

- LBX tactical (child company of the gear giant LBT. Materials are thicker and less breathable than higher end stuff, but good QC and products for the price)
- UR tactical (Hong Kong company making crye clones in more unique patterns such as AOR2, using US materials)
- Helikon Tex
- Propper (long time supplier of the US military for BDU and ACU's, fairly plain and basic, but good for the price and has a reputable background)
- Direct Action gear (US/European gear company. Child company of Helikon tex and is their more competitive/high end brand)
- 5.11
- Truspec
- Giena Tactics
- Spar-Tac (Croatian company making combat style clothing in mainstream colours, but also in unique Croatian patterns)
- Disruptive Combat Products
- P1G tac
- Currahee
- SORD (more "field" style uniforms)
- Roman Kurmaz (on facebook. Will make custom Crye's in anything and everything as long there's materials. While not as nice as real Crye's, they're good for larping and looking cool)

- Crye (the standard for combat clothing and equipment. Good materials and stitching and can hold up well)
- UF pro (basically the European version of Crye. Excellent products and extremely durable)
- Tyr Tactical
- 3rd alternative (Newer company in Europe for gear. Has a neat in house camo pattern, and if you send measurements they will custom tailor your uniform to fit you.
- Leo Kohler (can be used if looking for Flecktarn combat clothing. Makes some neat G2 pants and their own style of shirts)
- Patagonia (L9 sets have been and continue to be used all the time in the US armed forces. While I personally prefer the Crye products, they're still innovation and a reputable company)
- Beyond Clothing (A9 uniforms are very nice. You can even contact them and ask for external kneepads slots to be added to allow for the use of Crye kneepads)
- Platatac (A Australian company that makes extremely robust gear. Their woodland G3 style pants are neat)
- Arktis (UK made Crye style clothing)
- Hyper ops (South Korean company that makes their own Crye pattern clothing in unique digital camo's. And if you ask nicely you might be able to get some in ROKPAT and Granit B)
- First Spear (Merino wool shirts are pricey, but provide tons of benefits and a unique approach to common issues with modern fabrics)
- Arcteryx (Based in Canada, their LEAF products are well made and popular with European LEO's)
- GARM/NFM group (Norwegian uniform and gear company. Pretty neat being able to get combat clothing in M/98)
- OTTE Gear (makes good jackets, but not combat style clothing)

Last edited by jwm470; July 24th, 2020 at 14:10..
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