Thread: No masks?
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Old August 28th, 2005, 13:34   #8
Official ASC Bladesmith
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Honestly no matter how much you cut a mask down, it's still hanging too low to sight properly. I cut the PB mask I bought down like Greylocks does, but because I was using a sniper rifle with medium scope mounts, the goggles still got in the way trying to get cheek weld, opening them right up for BBs to get inside no problem. Hence my continuous saying that PB masks aren't safe and can actually be dangerous to use while playing airsoft. Part of the problem has been recitfied with high scope mounts, but since one local field allows wrap around safety glasses, the other unofficially used to but has made PB goggles or ballistic goggles mandatory, I got a pair of the BOLLE 800Ts and love the crap outta them. Low profile, perfect vision through them, comfortable enough to wear for hours on end (last game I only got shot once, right at the end of the night, so I wore them from about 6pm til just after 11pm without much discomfort).

Getting shot in the mouth is always on my mind, so I just learned to focus on keeping my mouth shut at all times, as best as I could. I've been shot at all ranges with stock and over upgraded guns, and ya they hurt, but this isn't Laser Quest or similar. Just pay attention to the risks involved, avoid masks as they will fog your goggles up bad and constantly. And you'd look like a dork with a full paintball mask. Kinda similar to wearing a thick winter coat under your BDUs on a hot & humid +35C day just because you don't want to have a welt from getting shot. Some guys do that, up to them if they want a personal sauna, but still, shooters try their best to take guys out safely. But there are times that shit happens and it's up to you to protect your sensitve parts.
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