Originally Posted by Rusty Lugnuts
Nope Too much air is bad ,Too little air is bad and Inconsistent amounts of air makes your gun inaccurate. Consistency is achieved with quality parts. Plus would you drive a Lada if a Mercedes was only a couple Hundred bucks more?
Ah...I see...makes sense, sort of. Why is too much air bad? I mean yes, if you stuck a nozzle from an air compressor and blew 300psi into the gun, for sure the thing wouldn't be able to handle it. But given the tolerances were talking about I would have assumed that the more air you got pushing the better and you'd get more air by having a more efficient delivery. Efficiency and air delivery go hand in hand no?
Is it not the same principle with tightbore barrels? Keeping the most air behind the bb without restricting it by being too tight?
I might not be explaining my thoughts properly though....
As for the Car references....you guys should do your homework....Lada's can be just as reliable if not more so than a Merc. Ask any Lada mechanic....I know of 5. Specially these days. Merc's suffer from...wait for it....poor quality control. Lada's.....well, the only problem with them were dudes would pinch pieces off of them during the shipping process to the point where you'd be missing half the engine by the time it got to you LOL! Left in one piece they were actually well built for the money....
Gotta come with better examples guys ;P