So...if I have this right, its really all about the relationship between the piston, nozzle and HopUp order to get as much air as possible pushing the round down range.
Then after that its all about the mechanical/electrical. But the differences between brands, all things being equal (i.e. if the cheaper stuff works as advertised) the differences are negligible at best.
I mean from the little I know, the only advantage to better Mech and electrical is less heat over time....which translates to less wear and tear.
And I figure this really comes into its own for those that game a lot or are running a support weapon where consistently high ROF is needed. So for your average to moderate player, this type of mod seems a waste until its needed, i.e. the Mech or Electrical goes down.
Is that about right?
Last edited by Jbone 11 11; November 12th, 2013 at 19:35..