these are the things I am most queasy about changing out of perfectly working guns/gearboxes.
in any given gun that's working:
changing out the gearbox shell.
changing out the hop up unit.
changing out the nozzle.
changing out the trigger mechanisms, electrical or mechanical.
I have observed strange things that can happen when changing out gearboxes, from unexplained loss of fps to not fitting in guns. Avoid changing a shell unless absolutely necessary. A properly prepared v2 shell unless plastic can be made to last reliably.
Mixing and matching hopup units to gearbox shells can result in difficult to troubleshoot airseal issues. This sort of coincides with the next one of nozzles. a fraction of a mm can throw off your air seal and cause you to pull hair out. Generally though v2s are fairly well sorted and the nozzle lengths aren't drastically different from brand to brand. Having a set of calipers to measure the old nozzle vs the new one will tell you if you may or may not encounter issues.
I had an SRC 416 with a G&P gearbox in it with SRC trigger parts that would not shoot. It took me 10 hours to try everything and eventually led me to rewire the original g&p trigger bits back into the gun and without changing anything else, it started working again. That little bit of an 'ergonomic' change from the owner caused himself some number of weekends and me 10 hours to discover and fix.
That cybergun is probably a king arms, which if it is, has a reasonable gearbox shell. Look at fixing the components within the gun rather than starting to mix and match 2 brands. A few bucks in air seal components will go a long way to making either one or both guns shoot really well. Consistency in fps trumps all other mods you can do, including barrels and hopups.
without opening the gearboxes and verifying what's in them, you can assume both have average to no shimming, plastic toothed piston, no bearing on the piston, no vented piston head, dry as a bone o-ring, no bearing on the spring guide, standard gears that may or may not last. If you're lucky an O-ring nozzle and standard 18g wiring.
If you have no idea how to do any of that, you know where to find me. :P
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
Last edited by lurkingknight; November 12th, 2013 at 13:57..