Digital NV is not relevant for use in Airsoft, atleast on a level that makes it worth the investment.
Digital night vision is generally only marginally better than a Gen 1 unit, and you end up spending way above what a Gen 1 would cost. The rifle scopes are only worth their weight when you are able to couple them with an active IR light source. This makes them usable to a degree and is great for hunting varmint and other critters, but a constant, active IR light source just gives your position away. It's like paying a thousand dollars for a flashlight only you, and all the other guys with night vision can see, and have it weight a metric ton.
Funny thing is I remember a couple of guys were running Gen 1's and Digital night vision set ups at Ultimate Airsoft. They thought they were the bees knees and telling everyone to get them, that Gen 3 was useless. Turns out Ultimate Airsoft uses IR LED's to give their CCTV system the ability to see when the lights are off. Once those guys took their nods out of UA they went right back to being unable to see again.
The best thing to do is save up and watch for a Gen 2 being sold at a steal. You will get much, much better performance out of it and feel better about the purchase. It's better to spend 1400 dollars and have something you can say "Yeah, this works alright" than to spend 800 dollars and be constantly reminded that it is a disappointment every time you go to use it.