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Old October 18th, 2013, 21:13   #13
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Join Date: Oct 2013
Tried both Real Sword mags that I have. One High and one Mid and the problem still exists unfortunately.

Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
I can't remember if the stock mags are hicaps or not (ignore step 2 if that's the case)

1. Insert a mag full of BBs
* 2. wind up the mag
3. Point in safe direction, put selector to semi
4. Hold the mag up and in tight to the hopup nozzle
5. Keep holding the mag and shoot 5-10 shots

- do you get a BB for each shot?

If so.
1. Let go of the mag and repeat the above

- if that works fine skip down below
- if it doesn't then there's other issues

Repeat from the beginning for full auto
- if you're getting full auto shots holding up the mag but not when you let it go...then follow the tip recommended for modding the BB catch on mags (there were a bunch of threads on it "King Arms mags won't feed" or something like that)
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