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Old October 17th, 2013, 21:23   #1
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Join Date: Oct 2013
Real Sword Type 56-1 Help Please

Hi all.
New to the forum and just purchased a new RS Type 56-1.
My problem is using either a Hi-cap or Mid-cap Real Sword magazine it will only seem to fire 1 or 2 rounds either on full auto or semi auto and then nothing. You can hear the action cycling when you pull the trigger but no BB's come out of the barrel after the initial few.
I have tried shaking the gun and then sometimes a few more BB's will fire but then no more.
The battery is an Intellect 9.6v 1400Mah and is in good shape.

I know from reading many reviews and forums that mags and feeding can be an issue... but I though that was with other manufacturers mags.

I live 45 mins West of the GTA and have only been to one dealer Mach 1 in North York so far, to buy BB's and to get some very friendly and helpful newbie advice before trying to fire this AEG.
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