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Old October 9th, 2013, 11:19   #24
Join Date: Sep 2012
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Originally Posted by Kos-Mos View Post
I know it might be a bit tricky, but do you know an electronic engineer?
Or even a college-level tech. This is the kind of programing/circuitry I used to do in college.

I would help you, but I don't have access to an oscilloscope...

By that I mean, if it's not the micro-controller that fried, it's probably just a bad design EMF/static-wise. FETs are extremely sensitive to this, even when in-circuit.
And they are extremely cheap to replace. So is a stocky diode to protect it (if you can fit it somewhere).

You would be looking at maybe 10$ in parts, if you can get a friend to diagnose the circuit.
I understand that it may have been just a small blow resistor or something like that but I know nobody willing to bother daignosing it, or fixing a circuit like that. I'm ageist the diag, labpur, and parts may rack up to a price higher that the spectre.
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