A bb down your ear canal has a much higher chance to cause permanent damage to your hearing than the occasional loud noise.
we tolerate getting shot with high moving projectiles.. every impact on exposed skin has the ( remote) possibility to cause a wound that could become infected and result in illness, loss of limb, and death. No one even mentions that risk.. it's clearly tolerated and acceptable.
I don't think Thunder-B grenades should be used in Public games with walk on players and potentially Minors in the mix. the informed consent to play airsoft does not include the use of sound devices implicitly.
I believe that they should be in free and open use within the context of closed games with a defined Roster, with no minors present and in full informed consent of their possible deployment and the risks therein. Then each person has the ability to make the choice if they will participate or not.
so I say again, either they are in and permitted for use, including all the risk that entails or they are out and not used. permitting them under conditions results in interpretation of those conditions, and what NO ONE seems to think about is the possible liability exposure to hosts and players for action for damages in the breach of those conditions, or the perceived breach.
conditions open you to liability, open use with informed consent , closes that door somewhat. ( to a degree that I permit their unrestricted use INDOORS at TTAC3 without incident over hundreds of deployments )
This activity "airsoft" has incumbent with it a myriad of risks for injury and death, and we draw the line at loud noises? really?
Brian McIlmoyle
TTAC3 Director
CAPS Range Officer
Toronto Downtown Age Verifier
If the tongue could cut as the sword does, the dead would be infinite
Last edited by Brian McIlmoyle; August 28th, 2013 at 14:03..