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Old August 28th, 2013, 12:21   #48
Join Date: Feb 2013
Location: Ingersoll, Ontario
This just seems like a flame-fest of opinions... I own one, used it once to see what it's like, but I know that I wouldn't want my ears damaged by being beside one as it goes off when I already have a high frequency intolerance in my left ear. Does that mean I want to go into a game wearing ear plugs? Not really, it's uncomfortable to wear them (worked in a machine shop so we had to wear them and I didn't like the feel of it). In the end, it depends on the host's rules and general consensus of the players. The majority have never seen, used nor experienced the effect of a ThunderB, and especially walk on players (children with parents, new players, etc) who don't even know what they are wouldn't know how dangerous they could be. If it were my kid at a field and I knew ThunderB's would be used, I'd be concerned about their hearing. I'd reserve them for mega-games and (were I the host) I would advertise the fact ThunderB's MAY be used at the game BEFORE the game event day, as in you are advertising the game date, state whether ThunderB's would be used or not. If I walked onto a field and found out 10 players had ThunderB's ready to go I'd be concerned about it. Eye protection is mandatory. teeth and ear protection and for that matter skin protection in general is optional but I'm not gunna risk my teeth or my hearing to a bb... or a ThunderB.
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