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Old August 20th, 2013, 13:47   #22
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Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Danger Zone
They put out 130db or the same as a gunshot. You pretty well won't see anyone shooting these days without ear protection on.

So if the whole field is running proper ear protection then great. If not you'll need to relegate them to being set off a hundred feet or so from personal.

Ear damage is permanent; kind of like getting lazed. 20-30 years from now when you can't hear for shit there will be some more than hurt feelings.

And yes I have been in close proximity to someone cooking one off and I would definitely rate it as too loud. That is coming from someone who's already had their hearing wrecked by gunfire before ear protectors were in style and at-guns going off all day on the range.
Airsoft, where nothing is hurt but feelings.
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