Originally Posted by R.I.T.Z
Gonna be the dick in this thread,
Why is this in the "Reviews" section instead of off topic?
anyways congrats on the sexy piece and the boat
Fair enough, this thread was to tell you guys about my new pistol, but I figured you guys might as well see where all my money is going. Lets just say that this thread is a gun and car review
Originally Posted by ThunderCactus
the cop cruiser has power, the LX sport has 220hp
Actually the cruiser puts out 250hp while the LX Sport puts out 240ish, I am going to estimate my car puts out 260 to 70 as it has an upgraded intake and Magnaflow exhaust. The standard LX puts out about 220 because it has single exhaust while police cars and LX Sports have more hp because they are dual exhaust. Same engine just more pipes. Lil tidbit there