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Old June 17th, 2013, 10:09   #1
badrelko's Avatar
Join Date: May 2013
Location: kingston, ON
Need a new gun for milsims

hey guys so i just finished my first milsim with my Tar-21 and it doesnt work for me the balance im not comfortable with and the grip and trigger doesnt fit my hands so anyways im looking for a new gun and yes ive searched up these guns but there isnt a whole lot on them.

Magpul PTS Masada Streamline Version

A&K Masada


Echo1 Robinsons Armament XCR-L

basically Im looking for a decent quality gun that doesnt need to be upgraded internally other than maybe a tightbore. I dont want an M4 but i would like something that takes M4 magazines as almost everyone i play with uses something that has M4 mags. my price range is up to $350(or $400ish if it has optics). any other suggestions would help and ill hopefully be age verified soon so ill be looking there soon to but i would rather a brand new gun.
The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his.

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