Well to be very specific, the G&P piston head is the most likely cause of failure there. They don't call it "explosive" for nothing lol
In it's stead I HIGHLY recommend an ARS piston head, they are the shit.
But going on your description of what you want your gun to do, are you SURE an AEG is the best course?
The single most difficult thing to do with an AEG is to give it good accuracy on full auto, and that's inherent to all tappet plate based mechboxes. It's just not a high efficiency system. High ROF and decent performance at 120ft should be attainable, but don't expect this thing to unleash a hailstorm into a 1ft circle at 240ft.
But there is a platform that fills every requirement, and isn't a PTW lol
High ROF, any FPS, extremely reliable, and best of all; short trigger pull!
The drop in mechbox for your DSG, after tuning and tweaking, especially after the gundoc bill, is gonna be close to what you'd pay for a P* drop in kit anyway
But I will warn you, there's 2 HUGE reasons 90% of people won't run high ROF (above 1500rpm)
1) completely unrealistic.
2) it scraps barrels like nobody's business. I've gone through 4 barrels on my 1500rpm 249, and King's P* has also gone through a barrel already.
If you're making a high ROF platform, it absolutely needs a widebore barrel