Thread: A build
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Old June 11th, 2013, 10:43   #9
Mr. Silencer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Toronto
Steve here, I'm going to chime in. Don't take this as a dissuasion from the project, I'm merely giving my experience.
I mean, we SELL DSG stuff, you'd think we'd try to push it more. Anyway...

There's a few reasons why DSG isn't wildly popular:
1) It's not very practical - I know this is an over-arching statement but I don't think I've been in a game situation where I needed that sheer volume of ammo. Most indoor places are semi-only, and outdoors you're going to be outranged/outgunned (read #2). UNLESS you isolate your variables, and tune your barrel setup, etc. You'll run out of ammo VERY quickly. Yes I understand it's a novel idea to run around with a tiny DSG gun and literally put up a WALL of ammo every time you pull the trigger but it's a very unique playing style.
2) It's tricky - a lot of considerations come into play once you push past 40rps. Tappet plate doesn't retract fast enough, BBs have trouble feeding from magazines, pistons give up, double-shooting in semi unless you use an AB FET but even then you might run into trouble, too much gearbox vibration for consistency/accuracy/repeatability, etc.
3) The battery solution that you have to run isn't going to be aesthetically pleasing (relative to a thin buffer tube battery).
4) At any given game, <5% of players are even anywhere CLOSE to 30-35rps.

I'm also off until July and backlogged until August.

Last edited by Stealth; June 11th, 2013 at 10:45..
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