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Old June 5th, 2013, 23:02   #39
mcguyver's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Northern Alberta
Originally Posted by wildcard View Post
Brad and everyone that purchased FCC products have three months warranty its up to him whether he wants to use that warranty providing that the item is in original condition I have had customer returned a full complete gun because there were a improper combination of upper and lower from another retailer with no issues. Brad is not the only customer that matter in Canada in the eyes of FCC, everyone is. there are no special priviledge all warranty applied the same to all.
And what is there to warranty? The problems which I can fix have already been done, and much better than factory, if they would have even caught them, let alone rectified them in the first place. The others may yet to see warranty, time will tell, at least until my warranty runs out.

Had this gun gone to someone else, sure, it should have been returned. The performance would have suffered greatly as well as cosmetic issues, which may not have received as much attention had I not been so fussy. But fussy is good, fussy means attention to small details today that prevent big details tomorrow. Mind the pennies, and dollars take care of themselves.

I am glad that FCC cares about all their Canadian customers.
Age verifier Northern Alberta

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