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Old May 21st, 2013, 17:55   #14
Squid Porn Superstar, I love the tentacles!
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Originally Posted by airsoftjunky View Post
Yea, I'll do that. Back into the mech box I go. On a positive note, I'm getting really fast at this! I DID notice, however, that the M130 didn't feel any harder really to install than the M120. Perhaps this is normal though.....?
I find that springs don't get that much harder to install as long as the spring guide has a hole for you to stick a screwdriver in the back. When they don't, even a M100 feels impossible to install.

I think the best way to increase FPS is to improve air seal. That way you can maintain your rate of fire, and you don't increase stress on the gearbox parts. Your goal of 425 FPS is easily achievable on a M120 as long as you have an above average air seal, it can even be accomplished on a M110 if you know what you're doing. The reason I think you're gun is not sealing properly, is because I'm getting 370 FPS on a Modify S100 spring, using a gun that I know IS sealing properly.
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