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Old May 19th, 2013, 18:51   #1
a.k.a. evaboe
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Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: saskatchewan
Different brands of springs

I put an SHS M120 spring into my BW15, which yielded me about 375 fps. Then I put a Lonex M130 in, which only brought the speed up to about 380 fps. I should mention that my air seal is perfect, I did the flashlight test and everything, I have a Lonex cylinder head, piston head, and one of those heavy duty red Lonex pistons installed. Does the SHS M120 and Lonex M130 typically yield the same fps? My expectations were that the M130 should yield 400 fps or more but I'm thinking that the heavy piston might be dropping the fps somewhat. Are different brands different strengths? What are your recommendations to achieve 425 fps?
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