So I recently became a we-tard! I have wanted a GBBR for a while now, AEG's are just not as fun to use "functionality speaking". I settled on a AKSU that I planned to NPAS and play CQB with. I would like to age it and make it look like a war relic or some bring home trophy from the sand box.
I have some questions pertaining to the folding triangle stock.
Mine seems to have a slight rightward bend when extended.
Are the "real" folding triangle stocks like this on the AK74?
Are all airsoft folding triangle stocks like this?
Are only WE-AK74UN's like this?
Is mine broken in some way?
Should I have my eyes checked and stop being a whiny baby?
As far as I know, I think that the side mount optics are slightly offset so it wouldn't surprise me if the stock had a subtle kink in it. I just hope mine isn't an anomaly.