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Old August 10th, 2005, 22:59   #4
iamregan's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: Calgary
Ok, due to the lack of information on the G&P M4A1 I will give you a brief overview of this AEG. I have the retractable stock version. The gun is heavy and very realistic. The body, carry handle, barrel, sights and flash hinder are full metal. The fore grip, handle and retractable stock piece are plastic, although the fore grip seems more heavy-duty than a typical TM and may be fiber-glass or a composite. It is reinforced with small aluminum plates on the inside. Overall the gun is much sturdier than other versions I have tried and could be thrown about 5 feet onto rocks and survive without breakage. It is flat black in colour, not grey. The threaded barrel is clockwise, not counter clockwise like most TM AEGs. The internals do not require modification. The gun works fine and its rate of fire with a 9.6V 1700mah nicd is very good and comparable to a stock AK. My G&P came pre-modded shooting around 400fps with a PDI 190%. Its gears are reinforced. It has a full one-piece hop-up which works fine. It hits pretty hard, but even at 30 ft doesn’t draw blood. Hurts a bit more obviously but is safe enough for private games (check with your club for limits). The EG700 does the job. If you were to swap it out for an EG1000 you would notice only a marginal improvement at best. The motorplate was NOT superglued as someone else had previously mentioned. The original motorplate is perfectly fine. The nozzle is a tight seal nozzle, and again, does not require modding to function well. The shims and barrings are metal. The switch assembly works perfectly. It is as smooth as any stock TM M4/M16. Bottom line, I have replaced nothing on this gun. It works perfectly and has passed around 10,000rnds with only 2 misfires, both of which were my own fault. The range is comparable to any other modded AEG that shoots are the same speed. The G&P M4A1 has been as reliable as any of my stock TM guns and fire a lot harder. The sound it makes when firing is really not that different from any other AEG. I find that different guns are louder or sound different, typically according to motor. For example the ICS2000 motor seems to screech. Anyway I ramble. Bottom line is that you do not need to make any changes to the gun out-of-the-box aside from maybe a spring downgrade. It is solid as a rock and has been as reliable as anything else I’ve used. Everyone I know that has tried it has added it as the next gun they’re buying on their list. Other than what I’ve mentioned, it really isn’t anything radically new – very similar to other M16/M4 variants.
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