Originally Posted by Kos-Mos
No, they don't
And stop overfilling your mags, you won't get any other broken nozzle.
been working on a OB SCAR the last two weeks, i can tell you that over filling the mag is not the only reason why the loading ram brakes.
1- the gap between the feed lips that the ram passes through it way too narrow for the amount of play in the bolt. if the bolt is canted or off set by as little as 0.1mm left or right, it will strike the back of the feed lips when returning to battery.
2- if the mag shell is warped and the mag internals isn't seated square, then the feed lips will sit to one side or the other ahead of the loading ram. again the ram strikes the feed lips and snaps off.
i don't know why WE made the gap between the feed lips to such a tight clearance, when the bolt it self has so much slop. to fix the issue i had to make new guides for the bolt, as well as widen the gap between the feed lips from .122 (inches) to .125 (inches). i also had to put some large chamfers on either side of the gap. still with a misaligned mag, the ram still catches.
basically, an over filled mag is indeed an issue, but the bigger issue is improper tolerances, or bad engineering.