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Old March 29th, 2013, 17:58   #69
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Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: Toronto

Originally Posted by Thenooblord View Post
Oh, after reading some of the other comments, I should append to mine, before, i went in, I called to make sure the item was in stock that I wanted, and when i got to the desk the guy said "no" were out" and had NO interest to go check, I had to argue with him to go check his freaking stock that I know for a FACT exists
It doesnt matter what you say about us being big headed, or them being minimum wage, I dont give a shit, I want to be treated with respect as a customer and If I go in there with a goal and a handful of money and the stores crew is preventing me from buying their own items, then there's an issue
the store is to serve the customers, not the other way around
This is actually true, I was told they had no MP 7 MAG's in by person who worked there and the mags themselves were hanging up right behind him...I have to admit once he realized they were there he apologized to me and brought them over.

I know Frank parents were really good when they were there because they would actually look for items.

I know it isn't an excuse but they do deal with high volume retail.

All honesty I miss dealing with Frank himself...wished he was out front a little more...lack of getting back to me has had me buy product elsewhere.

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