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Old March 24th, 2013, 21:06   #23
XZIVR's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Calgary, AB
um. Everybody is caught up on the mah and c rating. Take another look at the battery guys.. Look at the leads. They're ~22gauge wire, typical for a receiver battery. Yes the CELLS are rated to drop some serious current, but the WIRES are woefully under sized for this sort of application. Depending on the gun it's used in, those leads could pose a serious problem.

Originally Posted by Kos-Mos View Post

The pack is a 2s2p. That means that it's actually two packs (4 cells). And since it's rated 20C constant, it means that theses cells each are rated 10C.
No, actually the cells are 1500mah 20C. 1500mah 20c + 1500mah 20c in parallel makes 3000mah 20c. Add that in series with another group and you get 2S2P. The reason they do that is to make the battery meet certain physical size requirements without making individual cells too thick. In any event, the math works out that the battery as a whole is still 3000mah 20c. Hope that makes sense, draw it out on some paper if it doesn't.

Last edited by XZIVR; March 24th, 2013 at 21:13..
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