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Old March 20th, 2013, 23:14   #232
Yuu's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Richmond, BC
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Province: British Columbia

City/Town: Richmond

ASC Name: Yuu

Real Name: Kevin or Panda

Services offered:

Servicing, maintaining, repairing and upgrading all types of AEGs.

List of AEGs I have done in the past but not limited to future models.

- King Arms e.g. M4, Galil, P90, thompsons SMG, SiG 556 and AK series
- G&P e.g. M4 and SR25 Series
- G&G/TopTech EBB e.g. M4, MP5, SiG, AK, M14, and UMP series
- CA e.g. M4, AUG, M249 and G36 series
- VFC e.g. M4/Hk416, SCAR, XCR series.
- ICS e.g. M4, Galil, SiG and M14 series.
- ARES e.g. M4, G36, UMP, and Tavor
- A&K/Echo1/SRC/Dboys/JG of all kinds
- Tokyo Marui of all kinds
- Real Sword e.g. Type 97 and Type 56 series.
- Magpul PTS e.g. Masada
- LCT e.g. Ak Series

**I avoid APS/Javelin, Aftermath or any Chinese made AEG that I deem as low quality as materials are more fragile than higher end brand. So, I may not able to assist those are in need, sorry.

*No Systema PTW, sorry!

Links to documentation of work, if applicable:

I have been playing airsoft since 2003 and started modding/gundocing in 2005 on my own to now. I'm good friends with Optix (owner of and I am one of the main gundoc at Airsoftgear.

- Juicy on ASC
- Optix on ASC

You can also contact Airsoftgear for my legitimate services and records.

Method of contact:

- E-mail me at
- Private message me here on ASC.
- If phone call or if urgent work is needed PM me for my number.
- In person, you can visit me on Friday and Saturday at Airsoftgear at 8060 Anderson Road, Richmond, BC, store #(604) 284-5017.
- If you want the work only done by me at Airsoftgear, please noted it down on work order.
- If you need an estimate or build in question it is free, no charge. There are no dumb question(s) I'll answer the best I can, but stay on topic though.
My Uber Trading feedback:

Originally Posted by Drake View Post
The plush dogs were cool.

Don't let the dog haters and plushy haters get to you, man. ANYONE can post pictures of their guns, but it takes a special breed of man to post a picture of his guns with plushies!

Last edited by Yuu; March 20th, 2013 at 23:36..
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