Province: British Columbia
City/Town: Richmond
ASC Name: Yuu
Real Name: Kevin or Panda
Services offered:
Servicing, maintaining, repairing and upgrading all types of AEGs.
List of AEGs I have done in the past but not limited to future models.
- King Arms e.g. M4, Galil, P90, thompsons SMG, SiG 556 and AK series
- G&P e.g. M4 and SR25 Series
- G&G/TopTech EBB e.g. M4, MP5, SiG, AK, M14, and UMP series
- CA e.g. M4, AUG, M249 and G36 series
- VFC e.g. M4/Hk416, SCAR, XCR series.
- ICS e.g. M4, Galil, SiG and M14 series.
- ARES e.g. M4, G36, UMP, and Tavor
- A&K/Echo1/SRC/Dboys/JG of all kinds
- Tokyo Marui of all kinds

- Real Sword e.g. Type 97 and Type 56 series.
- Magpul PTS e.g. Masada
- LCT e.g. Ak Series
**I avoid APS/Javelin, Aftermath or any Chinese made AEG that I deem as low quality as materials are more fragile than higher end brand. So, I may not able to assist those are in need, sorry.
*No Systema PTW, sorry!
Links to documentation of work, if applicable:
I have been playing airsoft since 2003 and started modding/gundocing in 2005 on my own to now. I'm good friends with Optix (owner of and I am one of the main gundoc at Airsoftgear.
- Juicy on ASC
- Optix on ASC
You can also contact Airsoftgear for my legitimate services and records.
Method of contact:
- E-mail me at
- Private message me here on ASC.
- If phone call or if urgent work is needed PM me for my number.
- In person, you can visit me on Friday and Saturday at Airsoftgear at 8060 Anderson Road, Richmond, BC, store #(604) 284-5017.
- If you want the work only done by me at Airsoftgear, please noted it down on work order.
- If you need an estimate or build in question it is free, no charge. There are no dumb question(s) I'll answer the best I can, but stay on topic though.