Originally Posted by forsberg2110
If you can't afford a gshock. Just go to Walmart and pick up a cheap Timex it will work fine. Don't go blow your budget on watch just because some guy on a photo in Iraq is wearing one. Remember at the end of the day we are just grown men running around the bushes with toy guns that go pew pew pew
Lol yes i know one step away from larping lmao.
Seriously tho its not really an issue of budget i was just thinking cause ill hardly use the thing. I used to just lug my phone with me but my galaxy note is a lil big for that lol.
So i was thinking if there existed a decent watch in my original price range thatd be great but thinking about it more buyin a 50 doller watch thatll die in one rainy game or one crawl through the swamp (i snipe and spend alot of time prone in mud and water an lord knows what else) then id have to replace the damn thing or i can just buy a decent gshock for 100 or 150 bucks and be set for years it seems like a no brainer.
I like the look of the 6900 series now to decide on solar or non solar and between flat black or OD then find one in the GTA lol
Thanks fer the input guys