Originally Posted by Cpt- Lovegrove
i ran my daily driver (1995 Sonoma)at force recon's Nightfall, i painted the truck with flat green paint (exterior flat from canadian tire) chippin/ denting is not a problem, point blank with a gun shooting 386fps and it didnt even scuff the paint. we had a SAW mounted on the turret. front window wont break from a bb, unless point blank or a silica, both side windows had to be down as per game rules, we used it as a respon and hard point, a troop tansport(to my suspensions regret) and an assault vehicle. it adds a lot of realism to the game, for nightfall 2 i am excited to say we will be back and with some fun new upgrades, suspension add ons to give me an extra 1500lbs of carriing capasity, a M2HB for the turret and posibly a supprize for the passenger side
picture availible here
from a far it look like you were trying to pop a wheelie