Sweet thx skeletor, I jumped on the flak vest because it was a really good price and right now everything is just set up for games when it comes down to me doing reenactments I'll be ditching some equipment off it.
Originally Posted by -Skeletor-
The buttpack is common in some photos, but not for others. Depends on unit SOPs, type/length of patrol, etc. I've seen photos of guys on patrol just going out with 1-2 bandoleers. Also, have you seen many photos of 23rd Div guys wearing flak vests?
If you are going for a grunt look, don't use the AK47, stick with the M16 and M60. Unless you are playing as a M60 gunner, ditch the 1911. Only photos of grunt riflemen I've seen with a pistol were dudes about to go into a tunnel(either a Tunnel Rat or regular Infantryman)
Here's a 23rd Infantry Division Facebook group, scan through the photos and look at their gear.